That Christmas Eve


The cold rain seemed to never leave.

Why was it always there, reminding him of better years?

Days gone by to never come back,

Days that brought frightening fears.

And indescribable cheer.

The wind was cold, and howled loud and fierce,

and yet the fire seemed to bring with it happy tears.

 Life wasn’t quite as blue,

if you had a dog and eggnog, too.

The old man stood, and reached up high,

bringing a book to his side.

He dusted the cover full of care,

and sat down with a heavy sigh into his chair.

 The chair welcomed him back with a cheerful creak,

reminding the man of that one Christmas Eve.

Long back, in memory’s path,

a certain night was cold and drear.

Christmas was said to be full of cheer,

and yet that house had nothing near

a tree, or a leaf, or holly high.

Instead, it was full of pitiful cries.

No one knew of the Christ Child king,

or else they would have bowed the knee.

 No one knew of the happiness,

that does indeed come with obedience.

No one knew what it was like

to know that for you a child was born,

and that for them a king came.

He was nothing impressive,

no not at all.

He was put in some hall near a cattle stall.

 His mother was young, tired, and weak,

his earthly father was poor with roughened hands and feet.

But to them that are meek,

the Lord gives the earth, heavens, and creeks.

The young child Jesus lay in peacful sleep

While the world stood in turmoil steep,

As it wondered what kind of king the Messiah would be.

The old man smiled as the answer he knew,

He knew the disappointment and shame

He knew what it took for him the savior became.

Son of God, Emmanuel,

come to show God’s plan to us.

Prince of peace, King of Kings,

welcomed by men among the sheep

What time of year is fit enough

To celebrate his trip to earth?

What gift to give a baby boy

Who’s birth angels proclaimed with joy?

The old man slowly mused

How sorry a gift we would chose!

The Christmas Child would never want

Anything besides a willing heart.

Full fledged love, and dutifullness

In a man that pledged full obedience.

The old man wondered with thoughtfullness,

Of all the Christmas festives, the cheer, the feasts!

What all did they really have to do

With the One that came to hang on a tree?

The old man sighed, wishing he could tell

Like the shepherds of old the beautiful tale

Of one that lay ever so sweet

In the manger, fast asleep

To men lost in a sinful world

Where peace is only found in the news the angels had to tell.




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