Photography Contest #2


So, for the next topic of photography, it was tradition.  My family has a tradition of breaking traditions, but I couldn’t think of a good way to photograph that.  So?  The only tradition we’ve done for over three years was Christmas lights.  My older brother has been in charge of them since he was eleven, and puts them up with the help of all of us.


36 thoughts on “Photography Contest #2

  1. Sara! says:

    How pretty! I love it!! v3 I am going to put as my desk-top wallpaper.

    I can not wait to go to your house and see you in 4 days!!! v3 🙂 I am really excited. Oh, and, I`ll be bringing yours and Rose`s gifts.

    ~Sara!! v3 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

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