BIBPC 7 (Surprise!)

I’ve been chasing.

Some girls might struggle with chasing boys. Some might struggle with chasing self-worth. Some might struggle with chasing their friends.



I struggle with chasing my dreams. I hold onto them with an iron fist, daring anyone to try to loosen my grip.

And God looks at me, and says, “Just watch.”

He doesn’t rip the dreams out harshly, or smash my little hands like He could. He doesn’t hit me when I struggle, like some people would. Instead, He loosen’s my hands slowly, and listens when I pitch a fit like a two-year-old.

He listens as I scream into my pillow late at night. He listens when I let the tears roll, and my rabbit lick them away. He’s there when all the pain has faded, and numbness is in its place.

He’s there.

He watches as I struggle to accept change. He watches as I cross my arms and toss my head, swearing I won’t give in. I won’t allow this to happen, because it’ll change everything.

And He waits, watching me slowly dry my tears and jut out my chin, telling myself that I’ll survive.

I’m tougher than change.

Not because of who I am. But of Who is in me.

Because God’s not only there, He’s sustaining me. He’s the one that whispers in my ear the verses of Scripture, reminding me that regardless of what changes, He never changes. It is He who wipes the tears from our eyes. It’s He that bore our sins and transgressions. Because of Him I won’t grow weary, but instead will soar as if on wings of an eagle.

Stop chasing.

And wait. Wait for it to come to you. And while you wait, deepen your relationship with your Heavenly Father, and you’ll never regret the time you spend resting instead of running.



(My photo for surprise.)

13 thoughts on “BIBPC 7 (Surprise!)

  1. toadstoolartblog says:

    That’s a very pretty photo of you!

    Sorry I haven’t been reading your blog in awhile…school is the culprit of course. I’ve been getting about 5-6 hours of sleep for the past couple of weeks (but I’m starting to fix that).

    Liked by 1 person

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