Creating Coffee

Hello, peoples and random robot reading this.

If you’re anything like me, you love coffee. And regardless of what some people say to you, you refuse to believe that coffee, when had in moderation, can hurt you. So, as soon as a coffee fad appears on the internet, and you have nothing to do but try it, you try it. Because who doesn’t want to try a new coffee recipe?

So, I tried the whipped coffee.

Because I’m unconventional, I put the whipped coffee in coffee, because who wants to be drinking milk? Not me. Live dairy free.

actually, no. drink milk, and support the cows and dairy farmers. It’s important, okay? Okay.


The first thing I did was put some water in a measuring cup, and pop it in the microwave. I put it in there for like, a minute and a half, but I think a minute or less should be fine. You just need it burning hot.

Then, I took one tablespoon of instant expresso, and half a tablespoon-ish of sugar.

Sorry about the bad quality. XD

Once the water was boiling, I put a tablespoon into the bowl, and mixed it with the hand mixer. People say you can do it by hand, but seriously. That would be work, and who has time for that?

Whip it until it’s like, I dunno. Kinda a creamy color, and has the constancy of fluffy slime. (The fluffy part of fluffy slime, not the stringy constancy of fluffy slime. πŸ˜‚)


During this whole process, I had the coffee maker creating me a delectable cup of coffee, made with fresh ground coffee. (But the beans weren’t fresh, ’cause #socialdistancing.)


I decided I wanted this to look like a Starbucks drink. So how do you create that kind of beauty at home without any of the tools? My friend, you have plastic sandwich bags. Of course, this technique doesn’t encourage the no-waste lifestyle, but during such a dire time in history, we must excuse this one lapse.


I stuck all of the fluffy goodness into the bag, and carefully created this beauty. And to finish it off? Chocolate syrup.


And now I shall go crash, because the caffeine and sugar have worn off.

See ya


16 thoughts on “Creating Coffee

  1. Germaine Han says:

    I have been wondering whether to hop onto the trend. I already have a favorite way to make coffee, but perhaps this will be a potential addition to my repertoire? Loving the slice of life in this post, Amie ❀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Emmaline Figura says:

    I recently made this for my mom and it was really good. I just used dairy free milk though, because I wanted to taste it too… and I’m not into strong coffee flavor. πŸ˜€ Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

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