

Okay, I have a few things to cover today, and I thought I’d get started.  Today, I’ll cover as much as I can, and hopefully you’ll all enjoy it.  If not…Too bad.


First off, my mom made these insanely good pickled okra.  I wanted to make them, but I didn’t.  Let’s leave it at that.  I enjoy canning, for some reason, even though I don’t like baking or cooking.  You’ll have to figure that one out, because I can’t.

And yes, I was eating pickles and drinking tea.  (That’s actually not coffee, surprisingly.)  It’s just one of those strange flavor combinations I love.

To give you something to laugh at, my family was driving by a pond.

Sis: “Every day must be Sunday to turtles.”

Me: “Okay??  What do you mean?”

Sis: “They must go to church everyday, and that’s why they’re sitting on the pew.”

Me: “That’s a log.”

Sis: “Oh.”

We had friends over, and we enjoyed doing a play.  Go check out Faith’s blog.  She’s another writer and she has fun historical fiction short stories.  She’s big about having everything practical and correct.  (I’m so bad at that.)


I’ll let y’all guess which one was me.  Faith’s brother definitely got first place for the best outfit.  He looked like he had just stepped off the Alps.  I enjoyed wearing my dress, which I had made last year.  It wasn’t the best because I made it out of a mattress cover from GoodWill, but I made it work.

We did “The Sound of Music” and I was Liesel.  It wasn’t that hard, but at the same time, it was funny.  There was eight of us, so we had just enough.  It was so much fun marching down the stairs in “Von Trapp order,” as we called it.  I also like being the “snooty” person, and so anyone who’s watched The Sound of Music knows Liesel isn’t the nicest to Maria at first.  Anyway, we did “My Favorite Kinds of Things” and the goodbye song.  It was fun.

I got nominated for another tag!  Thank you for nominating me, Sarah Faith!  Go check out Sarah’s blog.  And, are you ready for the…


The rules for this tag:

Thank the blogger who nominated you and link their blog.

Answer the questions the blogger who nominated you provided (11 maximum).

Nominate new bloggers and make up 11 questions for them to answer.

1. Would you share your testimony of coming to Jesus?

Um, well, I’ve never known a day without trusting in Jesus Christ as my Savior, Creator, and King.  He’s always been there, and I’ve always loved Him.  When I was three I realized that it would probably be a good idea to actually pray the prayer in front of people, so I walked into my parent’s room one night.  Daddy was sitting in a rocking chair, and I walked up to him and told him what I wanted to do.

That’s my testimony about coming to Jesus, though I never really remember not loving Him, or trusting Him.  It wasn’t a huge change of life and direction story, but it was enough.

2. Favorite singer/band and song?

Oh, dear.  This is hard.  Right now I’m loving Southern Raised, but I have so many favorite family bands I like.  Song?  This one is also so hard!  How can you ask a mother to tell you her favorite child?  That’s what it’s like for me to tell you what my favorite song it.  Okay, the two songs I’ve been hitting the replay button for the last few days are “Beautiful Moments in Time” by Southern Raised, and “Wanna Be” by Southern Raised.

3. Where would you like to see yourself in five years from now?

This is so hard.  I desperately want to be a published author with a few books behind me, and a better musician.  A few others dreams are up there, but those are the major ones.  We’ll see…Mostly, I just want to be doing what God wants me to do.

4. What about in 40 years…what do you see yourself doing?

Ooh….Forty years?  I’ll be over fifty…😳…Okay, I want to be an aunt, and I want to be an amazing musician, and I want LOTS of published books to be behind my back, and I want to be happily serving the Lord however He wills.

5. What are the worst and best adventures you’ve been on?

When I went to Yellowstone with my aunt, uncle, and two siblings when I was nine.  That was TERRIBLE, and yet, it would have been nice if I had been able to do what I wanted to do.  LOL, my aunt and I both have very strong wills, and hers usually wins because she’s older.

6. What is a favorite memory of yours from early childhood?

Favorite?  Do I have to choose just one?  All I can remember is me falling.  😖  Or when my younger siblings were born.  Since you said early childhood, I’ll go with the time we were at the park.  (Oh, that brings back five thousand other memories, but we’ll go with this one.)  I think I was about five, and I was running back to the picnic table where we had our food.  These picnic tables were on raised platforms of cement that were about two inches tall, so just tall enough to trip.  I’m never good at looking at me feet, and so I trip on that, and I fall.  My mouth hit the picnic table, and that was the end of an amazing park trip.

I remember sitting on the sofa with an icepack on my face telling myself I was stupid for not looking at the ground.  I’ve always been good at bad talking myself.

7. Best movie ever?

I don’t like movies, but “I Can Only Imagine” is really good, as well as “Soul Surfer” and anything that’s a real story turned into movie.  “Gettysburg” and “The Gods and the Generals” are SO AMAZING too.  My brother and I enjoy them.  (Caution: If you’re not into men shooting each other and falling off balconies, you probably should watch the movies.  And if you’re scared of blood, don’t watch “Soul Surfer.”

8. Cake, cookies, or pie–or none of the above?

Eh, I’m not in the sweet mood, so I’ll take none of the above.

9. What is your pet peeve?

Being asked what my pet peeve is.  Doesn’t the Bible say, “Rejoice always, and again I say rejoice?” (Philippians 4:4)

10. What is your dream vacation?

Going on a backpacking/hiking trip through the Appalachian Mountains.  People tell me I’ll never marry because that’s my dream honeymoon.  Oh well.  I just love the idea of hiking, and camping in a tent, and the woods???  *sigh*  Though, make sure you bring bug spray or you’ll have to endure chiggers.

11. How about ending with your favorite quote?

Here in the South, we don’t hide crazy.

We parade it on the front porch and give it a sweet tea.

No, not really.  I was being silly.  Maybe this one is more appropriate.

I ain’t afraid to love a man.  I ain’t afraid to shoot him either!–Annie Oakley.

Oops, wrong one.

Have fun, even if it isn’t the same kind of fun other people are having.–C.S. Lewis

Seriously, I don’t have a favorite quote, and I could keep going, but you’re all tired of this.

Nominating and Questions…

I nominate,



Hannah! (Crafts of all Seasons)


Anna! (A Storynerd’s life)


And that’s it.  Here are your questions.

  1. What is the world’s worst drink?
  2. What is your favorite book that’s dubbed “classic?”
  3. What is your favorite instrument?
  4. How would you describe “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”?
  5. What is a song that touches your heart every time you hear it?
  6. What is your favorite painting?
  7. What is the most interesting account in the Bible?
  8. Do you think it is possible for a person to have just one favorite quote?  If so, why?
  9. What is the prettiest name you’ve ever heard?
  10. Do you enjoy action and adventure books or non-fiction better?
  11. What does your perfect day look like?
When you’re bored in the car.

The other day my younger brother said,

“You’d want a gun if you went to visit the Indian tribes in Africa.”

I think I truly died.

I’ve learned recently that I know nothing about Canadian geography, and that Americans are ignorant in that line.  I think I stand ready to agree with all Canadians that claim that.


And I happen to be a dog/animal lover.  I’m like this with every animal I can find.  I have this sneaking suspicion that when God thought of a dog, He thought of a Rottweiler.  I love those doggies!  Here I am getting a spa treatment by Bella.

The other day my mom was comparing stories with another mom about forgetting children.  Afterwards she told me about the conversation, and I asked her which of the stories she had told.  She named two of the stories about her forgetting me when I was six weeks old, and of someone purposely leaving another person behind to teach them a lesson.

I reminded her of the other two times, once when she wasn’t there, and another time when we were on vacation that we had forgotten a child in a gift shop.  I think I made my mom feel bad.  😁


The other day we were in the car and my sister asks…

Sis: Is there something in that cage? (There was a truck that had a dog cage in the back.)

Me: Yeah, a blanket.

Sis: *Makes a face*

Me: *bursts out laughing*

Sis: You think yourself soooo funny.

Me: Guilty as charged.

I’ve been enjoying reading different books.  I picked up “Don Quixote” from the library, and so far I’ve been finding it hilarious.*

*Note: What I find hilarious usually isn’t what others think of hilarious as.

Photo on 7-20-18 at 7.04 PM

Mom: Have you posted a blog post this week.

Me: Nope.  Just haven’t had time to do that.

Mom: WOW!  This is like the first week in your blog history that you didn’t post twice!

Me: Perhaps everyone was tired of me, or I was tired of them.  Plus, I had other things I’d rather be doing.

I finished this book called, “The Alabaster Box” and I’m afraid I don’t understand it.  I hate romances because they always leave hints, and I never understand how the hints end up in the conclusion.  “WHAT?  They ended up together?  But she hated him?  Why is romance so confusing?”

Brother: Why haven’t you been playing banjo lately?

Me: Oh, I don’t know.  Probably because I’ve been sitting on the couch eating potato chips…

Brother: Yeah, you don’t do enough stuff outside.

Me: I was joking…


And, after canning seven quarts of green beans, and four pints of pickles myself, I’m ready to close this post.  Must apologize for missing Tuesday, and not making up for it Wednesday, but my life has been full and blessed.  Plus, I actually have a real life.

Have you been missing the pros and cons?  What is your favorite type of pickle?  Do you like Rottweilers?


P.S. If you stayed with this whole post I’ms surprised.  It’s very very rambley, so you get a little piggy! (Photo credit to my friend)

30 thoughts on “Ramblings…2

  1. Hannah says:

    Haha, we actually went to our cousins last night and they were talking about how good pickled okra is. 🙂 Your play sounds super interesting! Don Quixote is very interesting….XD

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Mary E. says:

    LOL On the 3 too last picture! And I recently found a tea I really liked! It’s called Breakfast blend and the tea company is Yogi. And the Sunday turtles was Hilarious!! And I also LOVE the sound of music!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amie says:

      Oh, dear! You don’t care for Rottweilers? I can’t believe this…😢 Oh, I’m like that with most foods…But I can’t stand sweet pickles. Spicy or savory, just not sweet.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Jac says:

        If there is one dog I’m addicted to it be a Boston Terrier! Of course, that probably just runs in my blood since we are the 4th generation of Boston Terrier owners.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Aria Lisette says:

    Okay, here’s my attempt to comment on your rather long post.
    That is SO STRANGE, because I don’t like baking and cooking, but I don’t mind canning either! *high fives you* FINALLY someone else. (Also pickles and…and…tea? O.o)
    Ooh, the play looks fun! I’ve sadly never participated in a play with friends. It looks so much fun! Also I LOVE the Sound of Music, I’ve seen it live so many times…
    Ooh, nice tag! And SAD stories, Amie, seriously? Though I remember painful things from childhood as well, so what can I say? Also HA HA that Annie Oakley quote. XD XD
    Also thanks so much for nominating me, dear! Sadly I don’t do tags since my blog is supposed to be all photography now, but I am VERY appreciative all the same. ☺
    Yeah, it’s sad…I think most Americans know hardly anything about Canada! Fortunately I know a bit about Canadian geography since my aunt lives there.
    Ha ha, it’s sad – I admit I laugh at my own jokes too. XD
    Also I want to read Don Quixote – have no doubt it IS hilarious. *nods* I’ve done some research on it and it sounds pretty funny.
    Oh dear, I especially like reading romance. What’s crazy is when things you read about in books start to happen in your own life. O.o
    (You have a real life? Seriously? No one is allowed to have a real life. *shakes head*) XD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amie says:

      I was wondering how long it would take you to comment, LOL.

      Oh, at least I’m not the only person. I’m so glad someone else likes canning, but doesn’t like anything else that has to do with the kitchen. I must admit, though, that I get impatient with the prep time it takes for canning.
      Haha, I realized that it wasn’t probably my favorite childhood memory, but how can you pinpoint a favorite memory? At the moment I could vividly remember that one, so I went with it. XD
      Oh, I just had to throw that quote in. 😉
      Oh, I didn’t think you did, but I thought I’d give you a try. You should start a lifestyle blog…IF YOU HAVE TIME. Of course, you probably don’t have time.
      Oh, I’m glad you know a little. I know mostly the east coast and the west coast, but the middle is very hazy. 😬
      Wait, romance is happening in your life? O.o
      Haha, nobody is allowed to have a real life? That might be my new favorite quote. 😉


      1. Aria Lisette says:


        Yeah, that is the unfortunate part. Right now we’re starting to get tons of tomatoes, so canning is on the radar for us next week. Lots of tomato sauce.
        Ha ha, I guess you’re right. XD
        You know, my blog USED to be lifestyle before I started my photography business, and then a bit afterward I transitioned it to be mainly photography. If you go back far in the archives you’ll find my lifestyle posts – they’re still there! Unfortunately, I haven’t the time for a lifestyle blog, but one day I may start a farm blog. *nods* Some day.
        Ha ha, that’s great – because my aunt lives in the middle! So did my dad!
        Not right now, thankfully, but it WAS, and I put an end to it. It’s not all made up in books, let me tell you.
        Ha ha, well thanks! Also I was going to say – you want to go hiking in the Appalachians? I LIVE in the Appalachians and haven’t been hiking yet!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Amie says:

        Oh, I love canning. I wish we were getting a lot of tomatoes. We got tons last year, but this year…*cringes* Our poor tomatoes. XD
        I think I knew that. I understand not having time. People ask me, “Should I start a blog?”
        My answer: “Not unless you plan to dedicate a lot of time to it.” 😉
        Oh, that’s so neat! My cousin lives in Washington on the coast right near British Colombia, so that’s neat.
        Oh, that’s a relief. I know it’s not all in books, and that’s what my mom tells me, but I’m a sheltered homeschool kid. LOL. You mean, you live in the Appalachains and yet you’ve never been hiking? Shame on you, Aria! If I ever visit you, we’re going hiking. (Not that I’d have a reason to visit you except to get pictures and hike. 🙂 )


      3. Aria Lisette says:

        What’s wrong with them? Did y’all not plant enough or what?
        Ha ha, yep.
        Oh, that’s interesting!
        Ha ha, yeah, I’m planning not to be romantically involved until marriage in a couple years, hopefully. *nods*
        Yes, I know! It’s sad! Ha ha, okay. I know where we can go hiking, too – there’s a national forest 10 minutes from the farm. (HA. Well I could do y’all’s family photos. 😉 )

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Amie says:

        I think my dad didn’t break up the ground or something. One of the bushes hasn’t grown an inch. A few of them have taken off, but if you only have three tomato bushes that are surviving, and nine people to feed, there isn’t much to can.
        Oh, yes! That sounds great. I’m sure my mom would love for you to take the photos for us. But…I think we’d have to do a fund for us. LOL. Or I’d work an extra day. Mmm, anyway, it would be cool to visit you.


      5. Aria Lisette says:

        Oh dear. Our tomatoes don’t do well because where we live is an epicenter for blight. But we’ve figured out if we grow them in a high tunnel they don’t get disease at all! Oh dear, yes, that’s sad.
        Ha ha, oh dear! Start a GoFundMe. Yeah, it would!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Olivia Bell says:

    I read the whole post! 😀 And I get a piggy! *squeals then bursts out laughing* I loved reading about all you’ve been up to and I thought the turtles going to church was hilarious! I told my parents about it and they laughed too. 😛 I think rottweilers are pretty cute, though dachshunds are more my speed…:D Haha!

    And I heard that one dreaded word. Chiggers. 😱 😡

    Liked by 1 person

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