25 ways to live this summer

To be honest, I haven’t consistently blogged in well over a year. After I spiraled into a black hole, the whole world was pulled into isolation, and instead of that giving me more to write, it gave me less to write. And once we were free from isolation, I decided I wanted to actually live instead of dedicating a lot of time to writing blog articles.

Which I don’t regret. But as I sit down now to write a blog post, my blogging muscle feels very weak. And that’s because it’s been resting, sleeping happily in its comfy hammock on the USS Amie. But it’s time for it to get back to mopping the deck.

So welcome back to Amie Anne, a blog run by Amie and her random whims. On this blog, we talk about writing + writing advice, poetry and how the world views poetry, and we also talk about general health, wealth, and living life to its fullest.

‘Cause c’mon. If we’re made to live this life, we might as well live it until it’s worn in like a good pair of blue jeans.

So today in this post, I’ve come up with 25 ways to live life to the fullest this summer, combining both things for people with LIMITED income, and those with a small amount of income streaming through. So without further ado, let us dive in.

*performs an eloquent swan dive*

Photo by Mikael Blomkvist on Pexels.com

1. Start a pop-up business

I know this doesn’t sound like the most fun thing to do, but most of the things on this list can be fun if you don’t over think. Besides, if you want to have money for some of the other things on this list, you’ll need some income. Create a pop-up business. It might be babysitting, it might be a lemonade stand, or it might be an Etsy shop selling potholders. I don’t know what you can do, but I know there’s at least one thing you can do, and make it a business. So do it. Grow, learn, and create this summer, and earn money while you’re doing it, bestie. That’s the way to go about life, in my opinion.

So go start a pop-up business, and let me know in the comments when you’ve done it, so if it’s an Etsy shop, I can support your venture, my friend. ❤

2. Serve at a camp

This is one of the most fun things to do in the summer. As a child, I remember always looking forward to the camps my church would put on, and I’m just as excited to help serve in these camps, to make the time just as magical for the kids around today as it was for me. Most of the church camps only last a week, and there’s even the option to only serve for half a day.

DO THIS. Even if you hate kids. I’m sure they’ll be moments full of laughter, deep thoughts, and memories you’ll treasure the rest of your life. Besides, it kept you from binging ANOTHER Netflix show. 😂

3. Do something you’re afraid of

This could be anything. And you could even make this a challenge for everyday of your summer. For me, I’m trying to do it once a week. Find one thing I think, “I can’t.” And then I prove myself I can. I can do that, I can do and be so much more than I think in my head. Make this the summer of “I can.” Make this the summer where you faced a million fears, grew in a million little ways, and stepped closer to the stronger, better version of you.

I’m terrified of so many things, but most of them are athletic/height based things. Yes, I’m an extremely tall person scared of heights. It’s the same as a short person being claustrophobic, okay? And while I might not be able to sky dive this summer, I’ll definitely find something else. Maybe public speaking? Or asking for help? Or maybe something as small as going out to eat by myself . . .

What ever it is, do it. Face your fears and grow this summer.

4. Catch bugs

I wanted to put this down as, “Catch fireflies” but I fully realize that not everyone have fireflies in their backyards. So catch butterflies, lady bugs, dragon flies. Take a moment to be a child, and do a childish activity. (Or for some, this could be facing a fear.)

There’s something so refreshing when you’re living in the moment, searching for something so much smaller than you, something of such beauty. It’s not only aesthetic, it’s therapeutic, in my opinion. So take a moment away from your busy life and catch a bug.

Photo by Adrien Olichon on Pexels.com

5. Dance in the rain

Alright, here’s the truth. I HATE RAIN. I hate it. I hate small bodies of water, and I hate water coming from the sky. I hate getting wet when I did not plan to get wet. So this is more for me than it is for you. Take something you hate, and pair it with something you love. I hate rain, but I love dancing.


Get wet, be reckless, and smile while you do it. Enjoy yourself, and feel alive.

6. Ride a rollercoaster

I’ve never ridden on a rollercoaster. Again, definitely something I’m terrified to do, but determined to do. And maybe you’ve already ridden on a rollercoaster. But I think you should do it again this summer. Go and feel the wind in your face. Be alive.

7. Do a photoshoot with friends

I spend a fair amount of time with my friends. The amount of pictures I have them? Literally, like 2. And they’re all of the same friend. 😂 So make an excuse to dress up, make an excuse to pose, to be beautiful, and to have snapshots of time in your photo role.

And it doesn’t have to be a beautiful photoshoot, it could be silly, scary, or whimsical. Just play around, and do whatever the creative spirits dictate. Create, have fun, and enjoy the moment.

8. Start a new exercise routine

When is a better time to exercise than the summer? I mean, you have the added option of exercising in the pool now, right? So find a new exercise routine. Create your own challenge, or join someone else’s. Build muscles as you build memories and fun times. Or maybe you need to work more on relaxing and not worrying about how your body looks, so explore yoga and stretching.

There’s so many options, you just have to be open to them.

9. Try a new type of food

Who doesn’t like food? But I think it’s easy for us to get into food ruts, where we find what we like, where we’re comfortable, and we don’t try new flavors, new food groups, or new ways of cooking food.

Try Korean BBQ. Try sushi for the first time. Try Greek street food. Find a weird fruit and try it. Be open, and you’ll find that there’s so many new things to like and try. And maybe coming into the school year, you’ll have more options for your lunches.

Photo by Suvan Chowdhury on Pexels.com

10. Put on a concert/go to a concert

If you don’t have money, and you’re musical, put on a concert or go street busking. Both sound like so much fun to me, and it doesn’t have to be stressful. It can be rather quick, just play the songs you know, and play for your friends and family. Or go street busking, and these people will never see you again, so you’re safe to mess up.

And if you have money, go to a concert. Enjoy live music, and the crowds, and the heat. Have an experience, especially since we’re finally free to meet up in big groups again! *throws confetti*

11. Go to the fair

I. Love. Fairs. I don’t know why, but funnel cakes, summer heat, animals on exhibit, rides . . . there’s just a nostalgic magic that covers the fair like fairy dust. Go to one, drag your friends along. Take pictures, eat boiled peanuts, and if you can, enter something into the fair. An art project, pet, whatever it is, just enjoy yourself.

A fair is a summer luxury.

12. Climb a mountain/go on a hike

Depending on where you live, you might not be able to climb a mountain. But I think there’s something that’s amazing with hiking and actually climbing a mountain. Like, the view at the top is such a wonderful reward for anyone who didn’t want to go on the hike in the first place.

So here’s a basically free option to do this summer. Climb a mountain or go on a hike.

13. Surprise someone with a gift

Spread the summer fun on. Get someone a gift. It might be an elderly lady, and you get her a plant and surprise her with a visit. Or it could be a neighbor’s child, surprising them with sidewalk chalk or water balloons. It doesn’t have to be big, its just a sweet way to let someone know that you’re thinking of them, and to share the summer happiness with other people.

I mean, we have winter happiness known as Christmas, why don’t we do the same in the summer?

14. Join a reading challenge

It wouldn’t be a summer blog post without me mentioning a reading challenge. 😂 But seriously, I love reading challenges, and I think they’re a great way to pass away hours and to add knowledge into your repertoire. If you ever need book suggestions, just comment below, and I’ll give you a long list.

If you don’t know where to find a reading challenge, just check your local library. Or you could just Lamplighter’s reading challenge.

Photo by John Ray Ebora on Pexels.com

15. Do a blind book date

THESE ARE SO FUN. I love surprises and the unknown. I’m actually thinking of adding this option to my Etsy shop, Painted Prose. But regardless, you could set this up with your friends, buy one off of Etsy, and I’ve even seen Barnes and Nobles offering blind book dates, so if you just keep your eyes open, you’ll be able to find them.

While this isn’t for everyone, I think it would be a fun thing for almost anyone to try.

16. Foster puppies

While I’m not going to encourage you getting a new pet, if you’ve ever been bothered by pounds and rescue centers, you should think about signing up to be a puppy foster parent for the summer. Not only would you get puppy love, you’d also help keep those delightful animals out of the pound until they find a safe and happy home for the puppies.

I mean, talk about a noble summer project.

17. Cut your hair/temporarily dye it

Why not try something new? Tired of your hair? Change it. I’m currently thinking about adding some temporary pink to my hair for the summer. Cut it, change it, explore. I mean, maybe I’m just using summer as an excuse for what I’ve always wanted to do. But I’m not going to apologize. 😉

18. Take classes in an art form you’ve never tried before

I love learning. And while you might not, I think it’s fun for you to try a totally new art form. Never done sculpting? Try it. Never done pottery? Give it a hand. Never done basket weaving? Why not take a class? No school, why not take a class on something you might actually enjoy. And maybe it’ll be something you’ll only do once, but at least you’ll be able say you’ve done it once.

(Or take more classes that focus on your chosen art form. Go to an acting guild. Attend a writing conference. You know, the more usual things.)

19. Go explore a historic site

To make this even better, explore it dressed up in a costume. History can be boring in class, but it’s much more fun to go visit a battlefield, an old home, or if you live in Europe, a castle. Go explore somewhere historic, and enjoy the musty dead smell that comes with it.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

20. Write/host a play

It doesn’t have to be good, just do it. My friends and I wrote and put on a Christmas play when we were 11. It was a huge learning curve, but it’s a great memory now when I look back on it. Give it a try. Put it together in a week, and laugh at the chaos that comes with it. Make sure to take a lot of pictures, and let me know in the comments if you actually end up doing this. Because I want a ticket.

21. Do a 5k

Yikes. Some of us here hate running, but why not give it a try? Some of these are free, especially around 4th of July, so give it a try. Run, almost die, and have the ability to talk about how horrible a 5k with actual authority.

22. Come up with a new dessert recipe

Who here loves “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before?” *raises hand* I love both the books and the movies so much. In the books, Lara Jean spends her time trying to come up with THE PERFECT chocolate chip cookie recipe. I’ve done that before with brownies, trying to find the perfect recipe. Why don’t you try something similar? What’s your favorite dessert? How can you make it even better?

23. Go to a water park

So, even though I hate rain and puddles and bathtubs and showers, I love pools. But what’s better than pools? Water parks! You will have golden memories of sunburn, water slides, and waterlogged picnics if you decide to go to a water park this summer. There’s so many cool ones, and I’m sure you won’t regret the investment in memories those tickets will be.

24. Swim in a lake

And if you have no money to invest, why not go back to the way our forefathers used to case away the summer heat? Lake swimming! I’m not really a fan of cold water, but lake swimming is certainly an adventure. So if you’re up for an adventure, dive right in.

Photo by Ithalu Dominguez on Pexels.com

25. Watch every sunset and take lots of pictures of those you love

There’s so many different things on this list, but I think this is the most important. Watch every sunrise and sunset you can. Take pictures, be grateful, and smile.

This summer will be hard, and it will be full of ups and downs. But this post is here to encourage you to choose the ups. To create memories even when it’s hard, and to choose to smile despite the days that are grey and full of pain.

Let me know your plans for the summer. My main plan is to keep this blog running with all my might. 😂

Enjoy summer, my friends.


13 thoughts on “25 ways to live this summer

  1. Chloë says:

    Ooh, I love this. These ideas are all so good! Some of them were already on my summer bucket list, and some have been added because of this post. So thank you for for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

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