For Animal Lovers

I love animals, and I cannot lie.  I love baby animals just a bit more than human babies, and I tend to obsess over cute animals.  I don’t fangirl very often about fandoms, but if you get me started on animals…I may not stop sending you pictures and all caps. 😉

So, today I am going to fulfill my animal loving spirit, and just show you all the pictures I have taken of animals I have seen recently.  Which is a lot.  Anyway, let’s dive into this ramble. 😉


So not long ago we went to the zoo (again) and I got a few adorable pictures.  The sun bear was SO CUTE. 😍 Like, he’s not allowed to be that cute, and so I snuck a few pictures of him.  This one was the best that I got. 😉


Of course, we saw the tiger, too.  I honestly love tigers.  What’s not to love about them?  I WISH MY HAIR WAS THE COLOR OF A TIGER.  That orange, y’all.  It’s to die for.  Anyway, we also saw the pandas.  *smiles for all you panda lovers*


AND DA PANDA WAS ASLEEP.  (Okay, too many caps, but the panda?  Please ❤ ) I just want to hug the little cutie.  Anyway, the zoo was okay, I’m not fond of looking at animals in cages.  Once you’ve seen them, you’ve seen them, and you can move on.  So yeah. 😉


So nearby where I live, there’s a nature preserve which we love going to.  They let you have a golf cart, and I’m allowed to drive it.  (The only thing I’m allowed to drive…)   Anyway, one Wednesday my dad took the little kids out, and my older brother was working, and I said that it was just the day for a hike.

My mom agreed with me, and so we went on an adventure.  (I wish we could go on more spontaneous adventures, but sadly life doesn’t work that way.)


We found this beautiful area that was full of moss.  It was so much fun to take pictures!


Moss is such an interesting thing.  I love how it looks close up.

Of course, after moss, it was time to take pictures of my family.  Moss obviously isn’t as important as they are. 😉


Rose is so much fun that take pictures for!  She’s the best. ❤


Little Sis told me what to do, and so I did it.  I think she wanted pictures to send to her penpals…🤨


And, of course, we need a simply magical picture of my sisters running to attack me.  😂  I was at the go-cart, and I was about to drive away, so apparently they didn’t want to live in the woods forever.


And then we went to an animal rescue, and so if you haven’t noticed a theme, we seem to like animals, LOL.  And nature.  ANYWAY, I saw donkeys, and I knew I needed to take pictures of them. 😉


AHHHHH!  Donkey noses are THE cutest, and they’re so very soft.  Though not as soft as a pony’s mouth.  Anyway, if I had land, I’d have a donkey, because they’re so sweet and cute.


Look at the beautiful cow! Something about red cows just makes me so happy.  (Something about cows period makes me happy.)


Now, I’m not a sheep lover in any sense of the term.  Sheep, chicken, and pigs are about the only animals I don’t have an intense love for.  I like eating them, but my love stops there.  But this brown sheep was absolutely ADORABLE! 😍


Of course, everyone needs a good picture of these not-so-smart birds.  Honestly, to me chickens and sheep are the dumbest, stinkiest, dirtiest animals God created.  Maybe that’s why He gave them to us to eat. 😛


Our friend’s goat just had triplets, and so I had to take pictures.  Kids (baby goats) ARE THE CUTEST things that ever came to earth.  They run around bleating, and they aren’t as scared as lambs.  (Blah.  Lambs.)


Honestly, it is so cute to see the momma goat taking care of her little kids.  AWE!




And then we move on to the cows.  We had just let the cows into a new pasture, and so they were eager to start eating fresh, green, grass.  The calves were so cute!


I mean, what’s not cute about that?  IT’S LICKING IT’S NOSE, Y’ALL!


Jersey’s are honestly the prettiest cows ever.  They’re such a pretty fawn color, and they just look like cows should look.


And they have such diverse colors, and markings.  I love the dark face of this cow. (I think its name is Diana, but I might be wrong.)


And then, of course, we have the horses.  Cannon and Fire-and Ice are two sweeties if horses ever were sweet.


Funny story.  It was muddy one day when I decided to get on Cannon bareback.  I’m terrible at climbing up on horses (And Cannon and Fire aren’t small horses).  A friend boosted me up, but I went a little too far, and fell into the mud underneath Cannon.  😂


Cannon wasn’t as photogenic as Fire.  This was a picture I snapped of him as he indignantly ran away from the strange, clicking box.


And lastly, a beautiful picture of Fire, just because he’s amazing. ❤

Would you consider yourself an animal lover?  What is your favorite kind of animal?  Whose prettier, Fire or Cannon? (Fire’s the Pinto.) (And you better be nice about it. 😛 )


30 thoughts on “For Animal Lovers

  1. Rosy Marr says:

    Ohhhhh, those are soooo cute Amie! I loved the moss pictures- they were amazing! And I liked the tiger too… 😉 You’re a great photographer! 😀 ❤
    YEs, I am an animal lover, but not a ton. Not as much as you for sure! My favorite animal is probably horses. 🙂 I think Fire was by far the prettiest!!!! Although they're both pretty. But there's something about pintos, you know…?
    Great post Amie!!!
    p.s. You look amazing with the hair you have! 😉 ❤ ❤ ❤ 😀

    Liked by 4 people

  2. kassieangle says:

    Y.E.S!! I am an animal lover all the way. I will absolutely fangirl animals with you!! (That does sound slightly crazy to say, though!) I know what you mean about Jerseys; they look like a storybook creature somehow. And hey, chickens are smarter than you give them credit for! Sheep…nah, but chickens! I have to say Fire’s the prettiest. I always wanted a horse that looked like that. XD

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pegasus says:

    You don’t like chickens? How dare you!
    That’s okay, everyone’s different. But In my opinion, baby chicks and lambs are TO DIE FOR.
    And goat kids. 😛
    Jerseys are also the sweetest things. We used to own two of them.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. toadstoolartblog says:

    I’ve been working on drawing animals lately because I feel like it’s an area I’m rather weak in. I’m think of doing a study of various animals and making on big post on all the drawings I make. Would you be okay with it if I used some of these photos as references? I’d give you credit, of course.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Merie Shen says:

    I LOVE ANIMALS LIKE CRAZY OKAY ❤ ❤ ❤ I always want to die every time someone asks me "What's your favorite animal? Am I supposed to CHOOSE? Anyway. I agree with pretty much all of your sentiments up there EXCEPT I prefer sheep over goats. Heheh. I've had some… uh, interesting experiences with goats. :O

    But those moss pictures were pretty cool though. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Allison Grace says:

    Ooh! Moss! I love moss.
    I think Fire is handsomer. But Cannon is gorgeous too!
    I guess my favorite animals are either horses (though I’ve never ridden one) or cats (we have two, the sweetest kitty ever and his not so sweet “brother” XD)

    Beautiful pictures, btw. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Heather says:

    I love animals! The pictures are gorgoeus! *Might have spelt that last word wrong* My family loves making jokes about the fact that mom and dad have 9 ‘kids’ (Children) XD After several biology lessons, I have a new-found wonder of moss.

    Liked by 2 people

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