Christmas Gift Ideas #1

Today I’m going to be helping y’all window shop, since obviously that’s all anyone has money to do after Black Friday.  Maybe we should all go raid monopoly and see if the stores will take the money from there. 🤣

I’m going to be giving you ideas for your sisters, mother, aunts, and (girl) friends.  I’m planning for another gift idea post for brothers, father, uncles, and (boy) friends in the future, but at the moment I thought it was best to start with things I would get myself. (Haha.)

You can get this and more here.

First up we have these absolutely beautiful necklaces made by Allison.  I’m a strictly no jewelry person, just because I forget about it.  (hehe.) But most of my friends find a piece of jewelry a wonderful addition to their wardrobe, and who doesn’t love these hand-lettered necklaces?  I was seriously tempted to get one for myself.  XD

You can find these here.

Everyone uses envelopes, right?  Well, why not use pretty envelopes?  My friend, Allison, sells some envelopes on her Etsy shop that are just the thing.  If you’re giving some to your mom, chose the (less) interesting ones above, or if it’s your pen-pal or friend, chose the cooler design she also offers.  This is a really neat gift idea.  *nods head quickly*

You can get this here. 

You’re not sure exactly what to get?  This nativity scene is the cutest thing ever!  It’s not too big, but just enough to decorate with.  (Seriously, it’s so amazing.)  I don’t know if I could say enough for it!  Last year, I got my mom something similar to it, and she loved it.  This is a great gift for mom or grandma.

You can order this here.

If your friend, sister, cousin is an Austen lover, what could be better than giving them an Austen twist?  I’m not a romance reader, or lover, but this book was written so well!  I usually can see right through romances, but I didn’t in this book, which was a wonderful surprise to me.

You can order this here. 

I like mermaids, I like blankets.  I like being warm.  What if you could put those three things together?  I think this blanket is so cool!  I thought about getting one for one of my sisters…Maybe next year?  Doesn’t it look so soft?

You can order this here.

Inch worms are kinda gross little things in the real world, but what if you could have an inchworm that shared your favorite hobby, like, maybe reading?  My friend, Megan, makes the cutest little inch worms on her Etsy shop, which I think you really should explore.

You can order this here.

If your friend is a musician, what could be better than getting them a pretty strap for their instrument?  You can never have too many straps for your guitar (or was that picks?) You could also get them a pack of strings.  Believe me, a musician goes through strings faster than you can imagine.  Or, if your friend is a photographer, get her a pretty camera strap.

You can order this here.

October blew me away.  It made me cry, laugh, and really, I couldn’t sleep after I finished it.  (Yes, it was around 11:30 pm, but hey.  That’s what books are for.)  For some reason, October reminded me so much of me, and yet, then I would see a bit of Emily, and I was Emily.  But I’m supposed to be convincing you to buy this, not rave about it. XD  It’s a story for 12+ but so masterfully woven and heart touching.  I think any friend you’d give it to would thank you over and over for it. 😀

You can order this here.

Am I the only one that still loves beanies?  Please tell me I’m not all alone.  Everyone should keep their head warm, and why not do it in style?

You can order this here. 

Maybe it’s just because I’m a coffee-loving tee-shirt wearer that I love this shirt so much!  A fun gift for anyone is a tee-shirt that matches their interests.  I gave my mom a tee-shirt that said, “Blessed” and. scripture verse for her birthday.  (Tee-shirts are my go-to gift when I have no ideas.  I mean, everyone has to wear clothes, right?)

Of course, you could also just go the easy route and buy tea, coffee, or hot chocolate and some candy for your friend/relative.  I don’t blame you.  It’s too much work to come up with cool ideas for gifts.  *gives an exhausted sigh*.  Welp, I’m off to the next thing on my to-do list.


35 thoughts on “Christmas Gift Ideas #1

  1. Annie says:

    I love this post! What a fun post idea!!! 🙂 I especially like the idea of the pretty envelopes (Allison is a wonderful artist!) of guitar strap (that strap was so pretty!!) LOL, I have the same exact hat, and it is great! I use it practically every day when I walk Moses. 🙂 Oh, “October” looks awesome! Again, GREAT IDEAS! Thank you! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Annie says:

        Yes, it’s a great hat. 🙂 Haha, I re-read your comment on the envelopes (the flower ones are for your mom, and the other interesting ones are for you. 😛 I actually like the flower ones best, haha!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Sam(antha) says:

    Ooh! Thanks for the ideas Amie. I hadn’t seen Allison’s necklaces, I’ll have to go check them out! I have two necklaces like that, one with a Bible verse and one that says “A Tale of Two Cities”, and I really like them. The mermaid tail blanket is hilarious!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. toadstoolartblog says:

    I need all the help I can get. I’m terrible at thinking of gifts to get people. Esther on the other hand? She finished her Christmas shopping back in October. She’s already bought gifts for everyone in the family.

    I don’t know how she does it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Aria Lisette says:

    YES, I LOVE THESE IDEAS! I LOVE Allison’s envelopes of course, and that guitar strap is so pretty! But I also really love October (AHHHH THAT BOOK). I didn’t really care for Suit and Suitability – probably because I don’t like Sense and Sensibility. It was pretty good, all in all, though. AND I SERIOUSLY WANT A MERMAID TAIL BLANKET, HA.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Rosy Marr says:

    I. LOVE. THIS. POST. ❤ So fun!!! Are you going to do a #2? You totally should! 😀 Sadly, I’m not exactly rich… Unfortunately! :/ So guess where I’m getting most of my presents for people… Dollar Tree… Hey, it works, it’s cheap, and all my siblings love the stuff from there!!! xD So yeah. 😛 Aw, mermaid blanket. SO CUTE! ❤ And I LOOOOOOOVE the envelopes! And the guitar strap! And everything, actually… 😛 Thanks for posting!!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amie says:

      Haha! Probably not…At least, not at the moment. I chose ideas that I would have done, if I hadn’t found better ones. XD I didn’t want to give away my presents to my family. I have used the Dollar Tree before I started working. It’s a poor person’s best friend. 😀 You’re so welcome! Thank you for enjoying and posting it!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Grace says:

    Oooh… great list. That mermaid blanket! Now I’m really wishing stores accepted Monopoly money! I’ve never read October, but I’ve heard so many good things about it I might just have to check it out. Thanks for the ideas!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Hannah says:

    OK, love, like, all of these!!!! I’ve never read suit and suitability, or October, but seems interesting! I LOVE the T-shirt (that’s what I said about the guy’s t-shirt too… guess I just like t-shirts with cute phrases….) The guitar strap, necklace, and beanie would be most wanted on my list!!! Cute ideas for gifts for peeps… thanks Amies 😘

    Liked by 1 person

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